MSU Extension Supports Food Processing in Michigan

Consumers have difficulty making informed choices when making food purchasing decisions because food label claims are confusing. In response, MSU Extension staff worked to develop food label claim infographics to help consumers better understand what they are buying. The infographics address topics such as food product dates, introduction to food label claims, dairy and alternative beverages. Others still in the process of being developed include animal diets, grains and sweeteners.

To expand the reach of the infographics and meet the needs of Spanish-speaking Michiganders, all seven of the food label claim infographics have been translated to Spanish.

MSU Extension created the infographics with community nutrition instructors in mind as they regularly receive questions from their program participants around many of these food label claims. However, the food label infographics have multiple uses. When part of the team was approached to create a display at the Michigan State Fair, the existing seven food label claim infographics were printed as posters and used in this display. A QR code was also created and made available for those that viewed the display and wanted to refer to the information after their visit to the fair.

This information is readily available for health and nutrition professionals to share and accessible for consumers looking to make informed decisions about their food purchases. With food purchases continuously making up a growing portion of household budgets, people need access to current, relevant, evidence-based information to help them make choices for their families. MSU Extension’s vast network of educators, with in-depth understanding of food labels, agricultural practices and nutritional value, make them the perfect source to generate this information so consumers can make informed choices.


Infographic showing food product dates
Food Product Dates (shown here) is one of the infographics created by MSU Extension. A screen capture of the document is available on this website: https:// food-product-dates.


https:// food-product-dates