Label mandated training in pesticides: Paraquat and dicamba
Jenna Falor, Michigan State University Extension; Tom Smith, National Pesticide Safety and Education Center, and Courtney Weatherbee, Michigan State University Extension
Label mandated trainings are for specific active ingredients that are required by the EPA in addition to the restricted use pesticide certification. This information can be found on the label.
Pesticide applicators need to have private or commercial pesticide applicator certification to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides (RUP). There are currently two active ingredients, paraquat and dicamba, that require additional training. This training is listed on the label and is called label mandated training (LMT). Individuals who apply soil fumigants must also complete the additional training listed on the label. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has additional information about soil fumigants on their website.
Label mandated training is required by the EPA in addition to the training for restricted use certification because of increased risks, complaints or accidents that have occurred when handling or using these products. The LMT for paraquat was prompted by 17 deaths since 2000 due to improper handling and storage, according to the EPA’s Pesticide Worker Safety page. Dicamba has caused damage on crops from off-target movement of the chemical, prompting this LMT requirement. Label mandated training is not required to buy products but is necessary to mix, load or apply these products.
Training for paraquat became mandatory in 2019 and lasts for three years before retraining is required. This training covers only the individual who took the course and has their RUP certification. Only certified applicators who have completed the paraquat training can mix, load and apply paraquat.
Training is offered by the National Pesticide Safety and Education Center (NPSEC) and can be completed online. The Extension Foundation website will always link you to the most recent version of paraquat training reviewed and accepted by the EPA. Visit the EPA website to keep up with paraquat information from the EPA. NPSEC keeps a list of those who receive their paraquat training certificate and this list is made available to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) if requested. Applicators should keep a copy of the certificate that is issued after completing the training as proof of completion.
Each company that sells a product containing dicamba conducts their own trainings and keeps their own records. Currently, the following companies offer dicamba trainings: BASF, Bayer and Syngenta. This applicator training is required annually.
The following states require their own dicamba training as of February 2023: Alabama, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Two other states have additional restrictions: Minnesota and Iowa. More information on these additional restrictions for Minnesota and Iowa can be found from the EPA and NPSEC.